An edited transcript of my talk at PyCon Australia 2019. More about me on my homepage.
Let's get into the deep dive talk that I proposed on sufficiently advanced testing. After PyCon Australia 2018, people wanted more "expert" level content, so the deep-dive talks were created. That means I had no examples to base my own talk on, but also get to invent what I think a deep-dive talked should be. So what am I trying to do today?
I decided that I would pitch this for an audience which was comfortable coming to a talk advertised as expert level - so there will be some terms that I'm not going to explain from first principles. On the other hand, I'm not aiming to require any specific expertise or experience with advanced frameworks: because advanced testing is a niche area, the whole idea is that this is the introduction for experts in other things who haven't learned as much about testing as they would like to.
My goal is to focus more on ideas than specific tools, especially because many of the ideas do not (yet!) have a corresponding tool in Python; to change how you think about testing; and right at the end to give you a single concrete takeaway you can actually implement.
The talk is organised into four parts.
First I'm going to talk about the state of the art of testing - how we come up with test cases and how we can make computers do it for us.
I'm then going to give an overview of how Hypothesis is implemented - what it actually takes us to put these techniques into practice with reasonable efficiency.
In the third section, which might be my favorite, I'll talk about techniques I think of as indistinguishable from magic. These tricks are just super cool, so cool that it seems they can't possibly work and yet... I won't say they do, but they might if we implemented them.
Last of all, I promised a concrete takeaway and so we'll finish with a call to action for something specific that you can do on Monday.
For this talk I'm going to define testing as "any technique where you assess whether or not your code is correct, whether it's doing the right thing, by actually executing the code". There are many kinds of tests, but even more ways to write better software.
We could for example use a tool like
for type checking so we annotate our code for each
function. We declare what type we expect that argument to be, and a type-checker can read our
source code and determine if there are any places where we're calling that function with a type that
we didn't expect. This is actually really useful, especially on large teams and codebases, but
I'm not going to call that testing.
One of my favourite techniques is getting enough sleep the night before. I find I write much better code... then I get twitchy if I have too much caffeine and if I hit the wrong keys that doesn't help. So sleep also prevents bugs, but it's not testing.
Code review is another great one. There can be human code review; for example a workflow that's become familiar to many of us through GitHub where you propose a change to some project and a different human - not the author of the change - has to review and approve it before the pull request can be merged. The exact process of code review varies between projects, but the fundamental idea is that at least one other person thinks it's a good idea to merge that change.
How exactly do we write tests? How do we work out how we execute our code?
The traditional way of doing it, which most of us will be familiar with as unit tests, is to think of some
input for a function. For addition we might try to add one and two, and then we call our function
your_add(1, 2)
and then we assert that we got the expected result - three, if I'm
implementing addition - but this has a couple of challenges.
The most serious I think is actually the one written on the slide: if I think of an edge case I fix the code and write a test for it. Unfortunately writing tests doesn't make me much better at thinking of edge cases, so I will probably miss the same ones that I forgot when I was writing the code! However carefully I think about things or how many test cases I try to write, there are certain things that would just never occur to me to test. Sometimes that's because I truly don't understand the system that I'm working with, and I'll give an example of that right at the end of the talk. Equality is trickier than you might think!
This fundamental challenge isn't the only problem with traditional testing though: another one is that humans don't scale as well as computers do. For every test case that we write, a skilled human had to sit and think carefully and type out every single input to our code. While this kind of "auto- manual" testing - automated execution but manual creation - is really useful for regression testing to make sure that no bugs don't re-enter our code base, or for testing edge cases where we suspect that bugs might occur in the future, I actually don't think it's suitable as the only form of testing that we do.
Whether that's what you might call unit testing of very small functions or integration testing or even end-to-end testing, having humans specify exact inputs and outputs doesn't scale as well as I think we need our tests to scale.
So what else could we do, to complement our auto-manual tests?
One cute option is exhaustive testing. Conceptually this is really simple: all we do is we execute every possible behaviour of our code and we check that each one is correct! Of course there's two problems here. The first is that we probably don't have time to check more than a tiny fraction of the possibly trillions or infinite number of possible behaviours; and the second is that it's really hard to tell whether the behaviour is correct. If you don't compare it to an exact output, how do you know whether you got the right result?
This gets even harder when your requirements are fuzzy. We might call them "business logic" or "user interviews" or "hallway usability testing", and if you're on extremely hard mode the requirements might even change over time. Building a system where running the test takes longer, enormously longer, than you expect to have before the requirements change does not sound like much fun to me.
There is some hope though, because computers are really fast - we can't test everything, but we might well be able to test enough... and the oldest trick for this is to put complete garbage into the program and see what happens.
For any image parser, for any network library, and for most command line tools putting in random input should never cause it to crash. The program should either do something - hopefully something useful - or emit a specific error code or exception.
Let's consider how this might work, for the simplest possible program. It's a single function,
func(arg: bytes) -> bool
, which takes one argument (a string of bytes) and returns
True if it worked or False if it didn't.
Conveniently most programs are implemented on digital computers which operate on bits so this simple function which takes bytes actually matches up surprisingly well with a lot of programs that we are actually interested in. Compiled programs for example almost always operate on bytes, and anything else is only a parser away!
So the oldest automated testing technique in the book, back when Fortran was new and there were no jokes about real programmers only using Fortran, was based on punched cards. You take a deck of punched cards, maybe from an earlier draft of the program or perhaps from today's database dump for payroll. You shuffle it up so that was nicely out of order, and you feed it into the computer. If the electromechanical computer stopped you had probably had a logical bug in your software... or maybe a moth trapped in your hardware!
This is an old technique, but these punched cards are much older: those pictured are the program for a Jacquard loom. That roll of cloth was produced in a few hours and entirely by a machine, where it would have previously taken much longer for skilled workers. The resulting anti-tech backlash of 1779-1815 led to the coining of the word Luddite.
Time for a clarification: "randomness" can mean a couple of different things, and I realised while rehearsing this talk that I was using it to refer to several distinct concepts without providing a definition. Random inputs, random programs; one of the lovely or terrible things about the word "random" is that it can mean so many different things.
When we talk about randomness in computing we might mean numbers which are truly unpredictable: they come out of some kind of physical phenomenon and even in principle we can't guess what the next number will be. That's a "true" random number generator!
(One of the coolest sources of randomness on the internet is at CloudFlare headquarters: they seed their random number generators with a wall full of lava lamps. So a wall of lava lamps helps keep the internet secure, and I just love that - even if you could still get sufficently unpredictable numbers without a lava lamp handy.)
Or maybe you're even doing something like a statistical experiment or a simulation you want to be able to reproduce it later, and know that your results were not just a coincidence but your code was actually working, maybe even fix a bug in your code and run it again and get the same results. You can't do that with true randomness, but you can do that with what we call pseudo-random number generators.
This is a set of dice. Depending on how you count it, they might be random, pseudorandom, or not really random at all! The interesting thing about dice is you might think that there's an even chance of each number coming up each time they are rolled, but if you have dice like this that are not perfect cubes tossed by an unbiased hand, certain sides will come to rest face up more often than others.
If you have a heavy die for example with divots cut out to indicate the numbers, it's slightly more likely to land with the six upwards, because that side is a little lighter. I'd still call that random though - just with a non-uniform probability distribution.
So for a thing to be random it is not necessary that every possible outcome be equally likely or have any other particular distribution of outputs - it need not be a bell curve or an exponential curve or any other shape; it is sufficient that it's difficult to predict the next thing for me to colloquially call it randomness.
With that digression about randomness let's go back to thinking about programs.
How do we work out what programs actually do? One answer in Python, and in other languages, is to use tools which measure code coverage.
Code coverage tools fundamentally answer two different questions by instrumenting your code and checking which parts executed and logging that somehow. Those questions are "what just happened?", and "what didn't happen" - it turns out this is surprisingly useful.
If we know what happened we can track what logic in our code was actually executed. You could use this in production to work out which parts of your code are most important to optimize, or at testing time you can see the code which is not executed by your tests. If you executed some part of the code it's possible that it still wasn't well tested, that it was executed incidentally when we were checking some other piece of functionality, but if a particular function was never executed at all we can be pretty confident that it was not tested either.
There are many different coverage metrics you could use with varying levels of detail The simplest is function level - decorate each function, class, method, or module and see if it gets executed. This is fairly useful but in Python we can do better.
, one of the leading Python
modules, hooks in to the interpreter and reports whether each line of code was it executed or not.
It also supports branch coverage, and can even
attribute coverage to individual tests!
Line coverage lets us go through and determine for example that the else
block on
some if
-statement was never executed because the condition was always true.
Useful to know if you're looking to delete code or work out where you need additional tests.
We can go further with branch coverage, which tracks each side of an if
That lets us detect things like if
-statements where the condition is always true,
meaning we either don't need that statement or we're missing a test where it's false.
Along with lists of uncovered lines and branches, coverage
reports the percentage
of analysed code which was covered. By a show of hands, most attendees use percent coverage
but only a few love it. I'm not a huge fan of using that as a metric either.
It's a good indicator of the rough state of your code base, but becomes problematic when you treat a threshold like 70% or 95% coverage as a requirement to merge a pull request. That's because unrelated refactorings can actually make that number go down - if you delete trivial covered lines of code, code which is not doing anything useful but is still executed by tests, then you can make your coverage proportion worse. Maybe this is old-fashioned, but if I'm tracking some number that I think represents my code quality I don't want it to go down where my code quality goes up.
One alternative is to annotate your code to
exclude the parts which you don't mind being uncovered, then require 100% coverage
of everything else. That's actually my preferred technique because it forces you to make an explicit
decision - and one which you can grep
for in your code base - about which parts
of this code we decided we're OK with not testing at all.
When you put these ideas together tracking of coverage and then random inputs you get a technique called fuzzing.
Fuzzing is the idea that uniformly random inputs, the kind we would get from shuffled punched cards
or from piping /dev/random
into our binaries is unlikely to find any but the most
trivial bugs. Almost all possible inputs will trip across some validation logic before they have
any chance to trigger a bug.
In an image parser it might be the bit that checks whether the file header starts with the four bytes
\x89 p n g
- if not, it cannot be a valid PNG file. Your chance of random bytes matching that
string is 1 in 2564, less than one in a billion, and that's a fairly small number.
Instead of putting in uniformly random bytes, we can use a genetic algorithm. We instrument our programs to watch the coverage, tell what behaviour is being executed, and then start by putting in random things. When we find an input that does something we haven't seen before, we take that input and mutate it a bit. Change it around, maybe combine it with another, put it back in, and see what happens.
Pretty soon we're likely to find that an input which starts with \x89
goes down a
different branch, then \x89 p
is different again! Before you know it you've developed
this testing tool which will
pull valid images out of thin air just by watching the behaviour of the program
that's meant to deal with them.
So by using coverage feedback as a proxy for what the program is doing, we can drive up the chance that we execute some part of the code which... crashes. That's the problem: the only thing we can detect with conventional fuzzers is a crash. The second part of this trick is a collection of ways to make bugs in our programs correspond to crashes instead of silent misbehaviour. In compiled languages there are many sanitizers which will do this - for addresses, for memory violations, for undefined behaviour; but the one that's common across all languages including Python is assertions.
My favourite definition of an assertion is
"a statement in a program which will do nothing unless there is a bug". So an assertion is something
which should always be true - if it's false then it'll raise an AssertionError
that exception will propagate, and you'll get a crash or your test will fail.
This means that when we evolve bad inputs we can check not just "do we have a crash error" but "do we trigger any assertions". If you start and end your functions with assertions that the input is roughly what you expect, that data round-trips, or that it's in canonical form you can often uncover your own misunderstandings or your future self's misunderstanding of past code simply by running the same tests against it.
Asserting your API contracts is therefore
a great design for testing.
Just remember that assert
might not run at all,
and never rely on them to check user input.
So that's part one! We can go from complete randomness to generating things which are very likely to find bugs which would seem impossible by mere chance.
So it's time to get back into Python a little more, with the implementation of a tool for property-based testing. I'm going to start by telling you what property based testing is not.
Property based testing is not just trying a very large number of tests - though this is a super useful technique!
You can find the big list of naughty strings on GitHub, a text file thousands of lines long, where every line is some bit of text which has caused a bug in some other piece of software.
Some are SQL injection attacks; others are cross-site scripting problems, some are just emoji.
I really wanted to put one in here which is Hebrew text which alternates right-to-left,
left-to-right, and finally right-to-left again... but when I put it into my slides PowerPoint crashed!
I don't mean to diminish the value of this kind of testing, and if you're dealing with things which
should accept arbitrary strings as input you should definitely grab the big list of naughty strings and
try them all - it doesn't take much code if you use something like
There are a couple of reasons we might not want to do this for literally everything though. The big one is that someone has to come up with the big list (though in this case they accept pull requests so you can help out). This is great for standard tools or protocols which have multiple implementations that can share a test suite, but without that it's an awkward way to structure a conventional test suite.
The fact that test failures based on an input corpus are reproducible, rather than flaky like those from a naive random generator, is better than nothing - but what if we could have the discovery power of randomness as well as minimal and reproducible examples?
The simplest property-based tests look a lot like fuzzing: you get an input, call the code you're testing, and see if it raises an exception. The first difference from fuzzing is that the input is probably some kind of structured data (like "a string", or "a list of integers") rather than raw bytes. More on that later.
Add assertions to the test function, and you can pick up the power of even the most expensive contracts without runtime overhead. It's often possible to write more specific assertions for a subset of possible inputs - for example, passing positive integers to a function which accepts any real number, or sorted lists instead of shuffled.
The most powerful property-based tests are those which could not be expressed as contracts of a single function call. For example, we might assert that:
on its own output, nothing changesjson.loads()
on the output from json.dumps()
returns the original valueThere are many such properties. Importantly, we don't always need to know the correct answer - or even be able to check that the answer is correct - to find bugs, because we can check the properties instead!
In extreme cases like simulations or machine learning, where we don't know how to relate inputs to outputs, we can still use metamorphic testing. Metamorphic relations exploit our knowledge of the purpose over multiple executions of the software.
So property-based testing gives you the power of fuzzing and the convenience of unit tests. It can scale down to just calling your function, and all the way up to complex scientific code and cutting-edge machine learning!
We added a fuzz_one_input
method in
Hypothesis 5.8, in March 2020, so you can use Hypothesis with
python-afl or
but I'd recommend going straight to the cutting edge
project, which is purpose-built for Hypothesis tests. The interface is a lot nicer,
and it's designed to fit Python development workflows.
At this point I owe you a really quick overview of Hypothesis itself.
Whatever your concrete problem is that you need to solve with Hypothesis we have probably solved it and documented it... but this is not a talk about Hypothesis so much as a talk about the general family of testing techniques, so if you want to learn about that check the docs or my other talk about it.
Here I'm going to talk about the implementation: how Hypothesis minimizes examples, then how Hypothesis runs your test function, and finally how Hypothesis generates inputs. This is completely backwards but I promise it makes more sense backwards than forwards.
Having found a bug with some random input - in the next section - our final challenge is to present a minimal reproducing example. This isn't just required by Stack Overflow - understanding and debugging minimal examples is far easier than large ones. Since I can't come around to your office and hand-minimize every example for you, we need to automate that process!
All we need is one or more operations to any example that make it simpler... or we can combine operations that might simplify examples with a way to sort examples by simplicity. But how can we sort examples, when the examples are values that Python can't sort?
This is important when looking at complex data like JSON - is a list simpler than a dictionary? - but gets really hard when we're looking at sequences of actions rather than values!
Hypothesis has a way out: every example is internally based on a bytestring - I'll explain how that works in a minute. Working with the underlying bytes lets us sidestep the question of whether a list or a dictionary is simpler, because we can compare the underlying bytestrings instead.
Python uses a lexicographic ordering for bytestrings (and unicode strings), which doesn't quite suit Hypothesis. We use shortlex order, which means that shorter bytestrings are always considered simpler, and we fall back to the standard lexicographic order between strings of the same length.
We could use some other way of deciding between equal-length inputs, but we've carefully designed
all our strategies to shrink well under shortlex ordering. For example, if we put our bytestring
int.from_bytes(..., byteorder="big", signed=False)
shrinking in shortlex order
will generate smaller integers.
Thinking of examples at the level of bytestrings also gives us operations which we can try to shrink any example: moving, deleting, or replacing substrings. It's valid to try any such operation, because the resulting bytestring could have been generated randomly and must therefore be valid. We can also compare our candidate to the current best input, and skip running the test if it's worse!
For example, it would be valid to take the byte string that found a bug and try chopping it in half. Does the first half alone find the same bug? What about the second half? This trick is delta debugging, and it's amazingly effective.
In Hypothesis, we add a few operations which simplify examples without changing the length - this is known as normalisation, and it ensures that we get the same minimal example no matter what example we started from. This is really helpful when debugging!
While not strictly required for property based testing to be useful in practice, test case reduction is a really, really important feature to make people enjoy using the tool.
Now that we know we can think of any example as a bytestring, we can treat our unit tests as fuzz targets. This immediately gives us a variety of options for searching for bugs, from systematic to heuristic to random, and a fantastic workflow for reproducing test failures.
A fuzz target is just a function that takes a single argument (a bytestring) as an input, and
raises an exception if there's a bug. So the first thing Hypothesis' @given()
decorator does is compose your function with the "strategies" that describe what inputs are valid.
The second wrapper, the test function that you or your test runner actually calls, is a simple fuzzing engine:
This isn't part of the fuzzing workflow, but very useful for edge cases or rare bugs..hypothesis
example database, and a selection of other interesting cases. Random testing usually has
an awful problem where reexecuting a test that found a bug may or may not find it again.
That sucks when you're debugging - you're never quite sure if you've fixed it, or the test
is flaky and the bug will be back tomorrow at 3:00 am. Using the database makes that impossible!
, but in most tests not all bytestrings are valid -
for example integers(0, 130)
needs eight bits, but the top bit must usually be zero.
Hypothesis has a variety of tricks that help with this, from retrying small sections to copying
and mutating other examples to outright calculating a valid example if we know some constraints.
So the last thing we need is a nice API that can take a bytestring and turn it into arbitrary user-specified values... ideally without even making the user think about bytestrings at all.
Fortunately, the problem of turning bytes into values is a well-studied problem, and programs that do this are called parsers. My favourite API for creating parsers, which we use in Hypothesis, is parser combinators.
A parser combinator is a function which takes a couple of different, smaller, parsers and sticks them together somehow. You could for example have a parser which is the list parser: it recognizes an open square bracket and it knows to look for some value and then a comma and then another value or a closing square bracket. That's all the list parser needs to do, so to get a parser for e.g. a list of integers you combine the lists parser with an integers parser.
This is exactly how it works in Hypothesis: integers()
for integers,
for lists of integers, and so on. integers()
has optional
arguments for the minimum and maximum value to generate; lists(...)
takes optional arguments
to control the size and uniqueness of the generated lists, and so on - because they're parsers,
strategies are more precise than types.
As well as all the core strategies for builtin and standard-library types and the functions to define
custom strategies like @st.composite
, or st.builds(YourClass, ...)
, or
, Hypothesis ships with "extras" to integrate with other libraries.
If you use Numpy, Pandas, or Django we have you covered; and there are third-party extensions like
- one of many functions that take a schema of some kind a return a corresponding strategy.
For example, st.from_regex("^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d$")
will generate ISO8601 date strings,
and st.from_type(Callable[..., List[int]])
will generate functions which return lists
of integers!
Back to parsers: the "leaves" are part of our private API, which goes all the way down the stack to a
function, but even we try stick to composing strategies using the public API -
it's much nicer to work with!
The only exceptions are for very low level strategies where there's nothing to compose, or for
cases like sets(sampled_from(long_lst), min_size=almost_len_of_lst)
This would take quadratic time ("be unusably slow") if we chose each element independently,
but by using some fancy data structures to track which elements are still allowed we can
generate a list of unique elements in linear time instead.
We also design our parsers and combinators to work well with the test-case reduction techniques that we use. In the public API you will almost never need to think about this, but if you have observed a problem you can read our official guide to writing strategies that shrink well, and consider reporting it as a bug.
If you're wondering about performance, you can check your test statistics to see typical runtimes and what fraction of that was spent generating data - it's usually not much.
Now we get to my favourite section of the talk: the cutting edge techniques that - as of this talk in August 2019 - to my knowledge are not available in Python, nor widely used at all.
Sadly, at least if you're an enormous nerd about testing, there's this vicious cycle where we start with few users, a great idea, and less-than-great tooling. Few users means few contributors; few contributors means the tools aren't awesome, and if the tools aren't awesome few people will use them. Fortunately we can change this together.
If you're interested in these techniques, consider that people have not tried investing significant effort in implementing them and found it's too hard - in most cases a paper has been published and that's it; the techniques have barely been tried at all. If you want to invest a week in trying to implement them you could get somewhere really cool.
First technique: swarm testing (pdf). This one is unusual among the more magical techniques in that it doesn't use any feedback or inspect your code at all. It just finds more bugs with the same property-based tests that you already wrote!
Traditionally, property based testing would do a basically uniform random exploration based on the state machine or the grammar of the inputs that were described. For integers any integer would be equally likely; if you are operating on a stack you will be about equally likely to push elements onto the stack or pop them off, and so on. This means you're extremely unlikely to exercise the really weird edge cases - if it's equally likely that you add something or subtract something, it's very unlikely that you do fifty of one in a row and trigger some kind of overflow bug.
Swarm testing generates a 'swarm' of configurations, many different probabilities for example between adding and subtracting and then each time we go to generate an input we pick a distribution and then we generate the rest of the input. This makes us more likely to generate weird things, diverse things, things which are unlike anything else our code has ever tried... it's a way of making property based testing more creative.
This seems at least situationally useful! The advantage of swarm testing is that it doesn't require any configuration from the user - the user doesn't even need to know it exists, let alone what it's called or how cute ladybugs are.
We added swarm testing in Hypothesis 4.49, in November 2019, a few months after I gave this talk.
Technique number two: targeted property based testing.
It's basically regular property based testing but we add one thing: instead of tracking coverage the
way that fuzzers do, we give users a target(score, label="")
function where they can feed in
some floating-point number to tell us how weird is this input. How large is it, how complex is it, what's
the compression ratio? Then the engine will preferentially mutate towards things which maximize
that metric - longer lists, lower compression ratios, things which get higher antivirus scores, and so just
as fuzzing evolves things based on the coverage, we would evolve inputs which tend to maximize
whatever target metric you choose to feed in.
We actually tried doing this with coverage information in an earlier version of Hypothesis but eventually took it out, for two reasons. First, while it was somewhat helpful running under coverage is slower than running without coverage and so when we looked at this we thought if what people want is to find many bugs per second or minute or hour of time that they spend running hypotheses often you would actually get more bugs if you run it with coverage disabled because it's four to five times faster so making it twice as likely to find a bug for each test case in fact reduces the number of bugs we find.
Second, coverage
is implemented using
so extra code is called every time the stack frame changes in the interpreter. It's also incompatible with
many debuggers and the time you most need a debugger might in fact be when you found a bug.
Given that it was fragile and wasn't helping much we took out the coverage based stuff, but
we're quite excited about the possibility of targeted property based testing.
In my opinion targeted PBT is a fairly fragile technique. While in certain situations it is impressively powerful it also relies on the use of choosing a useful target function and often there isn't a target function which corresponds really well with bugginess - so while we might be able to drive to particular extremes of our input space, whether that actually helps us find bugs is kind of unclear.
We added targeted property-based testing in Hypothesis 4.38, in October 2019, a few months after I gave this talk, so you can try it out and let us know whether it helps.
Third technique: symbolic execution.
Instead of executing your code with specific values, if you're using symbolic execution you analyse the code you calculate the different branches that can be taken through and you make an exhaustive list of all the distinct paths through your code.
This is a little more tractable than exhaustive testing; it might be that for the purposes of your code every positive integer is treated identically and so with symbolic execution you could analyse all of those at a single go.
I'll admit that by my definition of testing where your code is actually executed this is not testing but bear with me!
In my view this is somewhere between fragile and futile for large Python functions. You can do it reliably for small functions, but when you get up to larger code bases you come into a couple of problems. The first is the Python is amazingly magical, for example you can patch things at runtime or even execute code that was delivered as bytecode over the network, and that means that it is really hard to be sure just from reading the source code exactly what Python will do. This is made harder by the fact that Python doesn't actually have a standard semantic definition; Python has a reference implementation which means that by definition Python is whatever the CPython interpreter does! That makes it pretty hard to write a symbolic execution engine because the behaviour of the CPython interpreter keeps changing when they keep working on it. All that said I really like symbolic execution. If only there was some way to make this work...
Concolic execution is where we combine concrete values and symbolic execution.
It's a bait-and-switch: we do symbolic execution for a while, everything is nice and abstract, and then eventually we get stuck. At that point we calculate a specific Python value would have made it through this sequence of branches to get here - and then call the code with that value and see what happens! It's totally cheating and it's awesome.
To my knowledge no one is doing this for Python at all - there are a couple of prototypes but nothing production-ready. Python is a complicated and dynamic language, but it would be really cool to get this working!
Because the chain of branches can get very complex, in practice we usually use what's called a SAT- solver to work out what combination of values would actually get to a particular part of our code. A SAT-solver is a thing which solves the Boolean satisfiability problem - in short, whether each of the variables in a Boolean formula can be replaced by either True or False and have the result be True.
A SAT-solver will then use various heuristics and various special techniques to try to find some set of assignments to those variables which satisfies all of the equations. This is amazing because the problem is NP-complete! That means that we can always check the answer efficiently (i.e. do the assignments and evaluate the formula), but there is no efficient way to find an answer - you have to try the exponential number of possibilities. (If I'm wrong, you've proved P=NP and won a million-dollar prize!)
SAT-solvers almost always work anyway. It's in principle impossible that they always work, and yet they usually work! I have no idea how that happens but I am so so delighted that they exist.
The final technique which I will admit I am also really excited about is constructing programs. Not just a list of numbers, or some particular file format, but getting our property based testing library or our fuzzing tool to generate Python code itself!
This would be pretty cool - we could test everything from linters or auto-formatters; does the type checker work on arbitrary programs; we could even check competing implementations. Take PyPy and CPython - I could check that they execute when they execute any program they give the same output, and there are a couple of ways that we could do this.
We could look at the grammar of Python source code, and we could generate arbitrary strings which would be parsed by the Python grammar. I tried this it worked! I found a bug in the CPython parser because it turns out that the grammar of Python is not exactly describing what CPython really does... foiled by the reference implementation!
If this sounds cool, you can use Hypothesmith too! (punning on the more famous CSmith)
The main challenge is that almost all syntactically-valid programs are semantically invalid, which limits what we can test with them. One promising approach is to generate and 'unparse' a typed syntax tree - in particular, this could guarantee by construction that it's safe to execute the generated programs... so we could systematically compare Python interpreters as well as our development tools.
Finally, I promised that we would have the section where I gave you something you could actually use! I've talked a lot about some cool tools and some great ideas, but can you actually use any of this stuff?
I want you all to go back to work or wherever you're going on Monday and write some property based tests! Sound good?
I'm getting some nods and some blank faces; you're probably thinking "Zac, you've told us how cool you think these are but you haven't told us how to actually write them" and you're right you know.
Step one is to install Hypothesis. You type in pip install hypothesis
or if you prefer conda you type in conda install hypothesis
Hypothesis is compatible with every version of Python
supported by the Python Software Foundation.
That means that we still support Python 2.7, but we will drop it at the end of 2019!
Hypothesis is
compatible with a wide range of other things. We have very few dependencies - just
- but many optional extensions and quite a healthy community ecosystem of third-party
libraries. If you use Numpy, Pandas, Django, or jsonschema, we have plugins that will deal with all of
those for you.
Let's walk through an example to see how this works.
def test_checkout_new_branch():
"""Checking out a new branch makes it the active branch."""
tmpdir = FilePath(self.mktemp())
repo = Repository.initialize(tmpdir.path)
repo.checkout("new-branch", create=True)
self.assertEqual("new-branch", repo.get_active_branch())
You probably have a test in your code base which at some point just has an arbitrary value in it, and you know that you could test more values if it wasn't such a pain to write them.
Find a test that looks something like this. This test is that if we start a new git repository and
we create and check out a branch called "new-branch"
, then the active branch will be the
new branch. So what happens when we want to abstract that a little more, to generalize it and not only
consider the literal name "new-branch"
def test_checkout_new_branch(branch_name="new-branch"):
repo.checkout(branch_name, create=True)
self.assertEqual(branch_name, repo.get_active_branch())
Well, step one is to move arbitrary constants to keyword arguments. This test behaves identically to the old one; it doesn't depend on Hypothesis so you can do this before step one (though step one is great). What we've got now is a variable which indicates the branch name, and so our test semantically is saying that this should pass for any branch name.
def test_checkout_new_branch(branch_name):
The next step is to move that particular specific argument to a Hypothesis strategy. In this version
we are using Hypothesis, we've got the @given
decorator and we have the arguments to
corresponding with arguments to our test function. Our strategy can only generate the string
. We haven't changed the test semantically yet but we have started to use Hypothesis.
Then abstraction is great, don't repeat yourself, so we'll extract that out to a separate function which returns a strategy for valid branch names. This means that we could reuse the strategy across any test that's using the names of branches. When we eventually go back and improve that strategy, all of our tests will get more powerful - if our requirements change we have a single place where we can change to improve all our tests.
def valid_branch_names():
# TODO: Improve this strategy.
return st.just("new-branch")
def test_checkout_new_branch(branch_name): ...
Then we can try generalizing the strategy.
def valid_branch_names():
return st.text()
This is a strategy for arbitrary Unicode text. I will give you a spoiler and say that this one fails.
It turns out you can't name a git branch the empty string, you can't name it a space character,
you can't name it newline, and you're probably not meant to name it "master"
but "master"
is a valid branch name!
If you read man git-check-ref-format
you will see that the rules are extremely complicated, and that they vary by both operating system
and file system because branch names are also stored as file names.
def valid_branch_names():
# TODO: improve this strategy to find some more bugs!
return st.text(alphabet=ascii_letters, min_size=1, max_size=95)
We're just gonna take the easy way out and say sure we want text but we only want ASCII letters, not
even dashes or underscores because there are rules about how many dashes you can have in a row
and it turns out we need at least one letter. You can't have an empty string as the name, and no
more than 95 letters because some get hosting websites arbitrarily cut off branch names at 100
characters and branch names technically include "head/"
as an implicit prefix so between 1 and 95
letters gives us a valid git branch name.
def test_checkout_new_branch(branch_name):
assume(branch_name != "master")
What do we do then? It's possible that this will generate the string "master"
being six
characters, and so we add an assumption to the top of our test function. assume()
a function from Hypothesis which is much like an assertion, but instead of indicating that the test
has failed it indicates that the input is problematic in some way and just tells Hypothesis 'look that
one was okay but don't give it to me again, and don't count that as a failure, try again'.
So we can make our assumption right we can say any sequence of letters, but not the sequence
, and this test should pass.
@given(repo=repositories(), branch_name=valid_branch_names())
def test_checkout_new_branch(repo, branch_name):
"""Checking out a new branch makes it the active branch."""
assume(branch_name not in repo.get_branches())
repo.checkout(branch_name, create=True)
self.assertEqual(branch_name, repo.get_active_branch())
We've now refactored our test completely to use Hypothesis and chances are we've discovered and
had to read something about the manual. It hadn't occurred to me wonder what was a valid branch
name in git
, because I always gave my things sensible branch names like
or "working-on-that-bugfix"
By the time we finish refactoring this, we might have a strategy for repositories as well. Instead of creating a new empty repository, we can say that this property should be true of all repos, and so it's not just the master branch that we want to exclude. We can say that given any repository and any valid branch name, if the branch name is not yet in the branches in the repository then checking out that branch means that the currently active branch will be whichever one we just checked out. This is about as close to a genuinely mathematical property as you will see in code which is not doing simple data transformation. You can test that stuff too right, it's great, it's easy, but you can also test for more complicated stuff.
I hope I've convinced you that you don't have to start from scratch. You can find and incrementally migrate existing tests to take advantage of Hypothesis.
When you're ready to take that final third step, you can write an entirely new property-based test. For your first, I strongly recommend testing what we call a round-trip property. The best one is testing that when you write some data to a database or to disk and then read it you get the same thing back - this should be true no matter how you store files or put stuff in a database, since the whole point is that you can retrieve that exact data later.
This one is really useful because there tend to be a lot of different layers - file systems have subtle rules about how large things can be or where they go or what they have to be named and often I discovered that I didn't quite understand what those rules were.
If you don't have a convenient pair of write and read functions, if you're working on a networking thing a send and receive is quite similar, or a set and then a get of some property; in each case testing that when you round-trip data it always comes back. Let's go see a worked example.
def test_record_json_roundtrip(value):
assert value == json.loads(json.dumps(value))
We're testing that if we dump some value as a JSON string and then load that string interpreted as JSON to a value it's equal to the value we started with.
We can just try putting none in it to start with. This test passes for None it turns out if you serialize it to null and then bring that back from JSON you get None again, so we're all good so far, Incrementally we can improve that strategy. Let's look at None or Boolean or floats or text (Python 3 strings, ie Unicode).
value=st.none() | st.booleans() | st.floats() | st.text()
def test_record_json_roundtrip(value):
assert value == json.loads(json.dumps(value))
This version should not pass! There is a special floating point value called
not a number (or nan
), which is
unequal to itself... numbers are equal to themselves but fortunately this float is not a number!
def test_record_json_roundtrip(value):
assume(value == value)
assert value == json.loads(json.dumps(value))
We can add an assumption: for any value which is equal to itself, when we serialize it to JSON and deserialize it, the new value should be equal. This passes, as it should, but all we're dealing with here is scalars. If we have lists or dictionaries, which JSON calls arrays and objects, we're not generating or testing those. Fortunately Hypothesis can also generate recursive data!
st.none() | st.booleans() | st.floats() | st.text(),
lambda x: st.lists(x) | st.dictionaries(st.text(), x),
def test_record_json_roundtrip(value):
assume(value == value)
assert value == json.loads(json.dumps(value))
This strategy says starting with null or Booleans or floats or text we can take lists of whatever we have or dictionaries of strings to whatever it is we have and this recursive definition actually does describe all JSON. Feed it in to the same test, and...
It turns out this fails. I didn't know that this test fails until I was writing up a tutorial and I
thought "this will be a good example, I'll incrementally write a property-based test and use nan
to illustrate assume()
", though I'd actually use floats(allow_nan=False)
Python lists are equal if and only if each of their corresponding elements are equal. Therefore, a list with
in it should therefore be unequal to itself, because nan
is not equal to itself...
But Python has an optimization: list equality starts with if self is other: return True
This is much faster and almost always correct, except that not a number breaks Python's object equality
model and so if you run this test Hypothesis will duly spit out [nan]
, a list with a single
floating point not a number in it.
So writing this property-based test taught me something I didn't know about Python - that's the power of sufficiently advanced testing!
Thank you very much.
Does Hypothesis work with type annotations at all? If you annotate the code, say an argument or an attribute is an integer, can it automatically generate a strategy based on that?
Yes it can. If you decorate a test with @given(value=...)
and you type-annotated
the value
argument that works. We also have the
strategy, which takes some class or function and then strategies corresponding to the arguments for it.
If you have type annotated required arguments with no user supplied strategies, st.builds()
will recursively infer how to build it using
. That was a hard feature to implement across Python versions!
Can you use asyncio
and coroutines with Hypothesis?
Hypothesis natively only calls sync functions mostly because it's hard to know what event loop to
use. If you're using something like
they have plug-ins
which actually support Hypothesis, they understand how to insert a shim which converts async to sync code for
us, so you can write async test functions if you use a test runner which supports that.
It seems like the biggest advantage of this is that you really can go into your testing with very little assumptions as to where the bugs might be found. With the targeted PBT methods you're then adding some assumptions back in and so is there any disadvantage to kind of leading your tests down the wrong garden path?
Potentially - this is one of the reasons I would think of targeting as a potentially fragile technique. If it turns out that your thing is particularly vulnerable to very small inputs but you've targeted very large inputs, it's gonna spend most of its time generating inputs which won't find those small bugs. So part of the design would be making sure it balances a little between generating things that's been told to and other, less directed, exploration.
Follow-up to the annotation question - does Hypothesis work with protocols such as protobuf or thrift, like you can invert the underlying interfaces type?
There is a third-party extension for protobufs - you can hand it a schema and it will generate valid messages. In general we have support for a couple of different schema formats including type annotations, regular expressions, context-free grammars, and a few others. There are many more in third-party extensions and you can do it yourself too: just write a function which takes some schema of whatever kind and returns a strategy for things that match it. I don't think there's a thrift extension yet but nor do I think it'll be that hard to write your own.
Does Hypothesis natively do operating system testing or do you have to do something else to get that kind of?
Hypothesis is really designed for testing Python functions or Python code. You could write Python tests which themselves test operating system function but for compiled code I turn first to something like American Fuzzy Lop, which is a dedicated machine code fuzzing tool.
Hypothesis does not by default test across multiple operating systems but if you had a function which ran some piece of code on multiple operating systems you could then use Hypothesis to assert that they all return the same result.
How do you convince your teammates to use Hypothesis if you love it and your teammates don't? What do you do?
Install it first! The most effective way I've found is to migrate just a couple of tests. Spend an afternoon on it, and if you find a bug your teammates will care about, first get the bug report in and then tell them you found it with Hypothesis.
If you can convince enough people to get it running regularly in CI, incrementally adding or migrating property-based tests as I showed earlier is usually pretty easy.
How do you go about testing machine learning stacks and data science stacks in general?
These are tricky to test because the input data tends to be large, and we don't always have a
clear idea of what they should be doing. You can still test that
internals of your model are all connected correctly, and for some outputs like a list
of probabilities ps
we can check bounds like 0 <= min(ps) <= max(ps) <= 1
and sum(ps) == 1
I also mentioned metamorphic testing before, and it's a great source of properties for data science and ML code. Just go read that post - there are case studies in unsupervised learning, bioinformatics, and vision systems!
This is a question on fuzzing in general. Sometimes fuzzing can catch a lot of issues, but they're rarely reproducible in production and testing compliance can make the code much more complex and more defensive without adding value in production. What's your opinion that?
Traditional fuzzers don't have any concept of "valid" inputs, just "inputs that don't do anything interesting" because e.g. parsing or validation logic rejected them early. I've found that the parse, don't validate approach helps with this - both by making my code more robust, and by forcing me to think clearly about what inputs I expect to handle.
Sometimes though there are representable inputs that are just out of scope for the project. Maybe that's less than ideal, but if we don't want to change the code to fix some issue or exception I don't think of it as a bug. I know that there are people who dislike Hypothesis, because it finds hundreds of ways to trigger exceptions which they don't want to hear about when they already have a thousand open tickets. I'm sympathetic. I've been there too.
Ultimately no testing, no analysis, no correctness technique is actually useful if you don't want to act on the results. So much like I would not say that static typing is suitable for every codebase, really intensive testing is not a good fit for every project - but when it is you can use the tools I've spoken about today to get better results with less work.
If you made it this far, you're probably keen on advanced testing ideas - and would enjoy reading my review of ideas from fuzzing and testing research which inspired me to build the HypoFuzz adaptive fuzzer for test-suites. Check it out, and tell me what you think!
This transcript is under CC-BY-NC-ND or ask-me-for-a license.